MarketGlory Cara Set Macros Di Arena Attack Dan Defence

P/S Perkataan dibawah saya campur dengan perkataan english supaya anda mudah faham :)

Dimulakan dengan sedikit penerangan tentang arena terbaru di marketglory, Syarat minima perlu dipenuhi sebelum anda layak bertarung di arena adalah, 1 Attack weapon 1 Deff weapon dan 5 energy ,
Dan syarat minima yang diperlukan untuk anda layak bertarung di arena secara automatik adalah 1 Attack weapon 1 Deff weapon 5 energy dan 5 point. jika anda tiada arena point anda boleh mendapatkannya dengan attack player di page fighters.

Fight automatik di local adalah pada pukul 8 malam waktu malaysia atau 14.00 server time, oleh itu sebelum pukul 8 anda mesti siap sedia weapon dan energy, perlu di ingat jika fight sudah berlangsung anda tidak boleh beli energy lagi melainkan kopi, kopi dibenarkan untuk tambah energy oleh itu anda digalakkan siap sedia awal-awal.

Setiap fight mempunyai 12 kali hits 1 hits 10 saat, jumlah hits bergantung kepada damage anda, lagi tinggi damage anda lagi besar peluang anda untuk menang, dan paling penting macros paten, cara set macros rujuk dibawah, saya sertakan gambar sekali supaya anda mudah faham macam mana untuk set macros, sebelum tu baca penerangan ni sampai habis :)

Jika anda belum register boleh register disini

Ini pengiraan damage,

- Head + 1000% damage
- Body + 100% damage
- Legs/Hands + 50% damage

Nampak tak jika anda attack kena head pihak lawan 1000% oleh itu anda set attack anda ke arah head, atau terpulang ikut pada strategy anda,.

Fight berlangsung sebanyak 4 round jika anda berada di novice 1, jika round 1 anda menang anda layak fight di round 2 , round 2 pun anda menang, anda layak fight di round 3, dan round 4 pun anda menang, saya ucap tahniah, anda layak mewakili negara untuk fight di global,
fight di global akan bermula pada pukul 3 petang waktu malaysia atau 09.00 server time, oleh itu macam biasa siapkan weapon dan energy sebelum waktu tersebut, sebaiknya 15 minit sebelum fight bermula.

Arena Bonus

Arena bonus akan dibayar setiap round yang anda menang tadi, bonus local akan dibayar pada pukul 11.00 pagi waktu malaysia,
Bonus global akan dibayar pada pukul 4.00 petang waktu malaysia.

Cara set macros Attack

 Mula-mula kita set attack paten dulu, klik askar seperti gambar dibawah.

Selepas tu guna mouse klik mana-mana kotak,
Fungsinya adalah target arah kita attack, 
Selepas tu klik >
Dan set no 2 , mana2 kotak, set sehingga 6, seperti gambar dibawah. last sekali klik Set, ok siap macros attack anda.

Jika sudah siap tertera paten seperti gambar dibawah. klik change untuk ubah paten tersebut.

Cara set macros defence.

1st klik askar seperti gambar dibawah.

Selepas tu anda boleh pilih mana-mana defence paten dengan klik gambar tersebut, set sampai 6 selepas tu last sekali klik Set .

Jika sudah siap tertera paten seperti gambar dibawah. klik change untuk ubah paten tersebut.

Anda boleh set sehingga 9 paten attack dan defence, fungsinya adalah pihak lawan tidak dapat agak apakah paten anda, jika anda set paten lebih dari 1, setiap fight paten anda akan berubah.

Semoga dengan tutorial ini memudahkan anda untuk setting macros.

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Marketglory Malaysia Strategy Arena Cara Saya

Di sini saya akan ajar anda strategy arena cara saya. Sebenarnya strategy arena itu fleksibel jadi boleh berubah-ubah tergantung daripada perubahan besarnya bonus euro di arena (pendapatan) atau pun harga beli weapon & energy (pengeluaran).

Untuk player yang non-invest yang mau fight di arena harus mempersiapkan modal minima dalam myr40 dan 1 gold , gold hanya untuk stanby kalau dilocal market tiada weapon atau pun cuisine.

Sebelum saya ajar anda strategy arena, sebaiknya anda fahami dulu sistem di arena seperti berikut
·  Untuk memulai arena anda harus mempunyai minima 1 (satu) Attack Weapon dan 1 (satu) Defend Weapon
·  Anda harus memiliki minima 5 Point Energy untuk 1 (satu) kali attack.
·  Anda harus memiliki minima 1 (satu) Attack Weapon, dan 1 (satu) Defend Weapon pada saat server reset time yaitu pukul 5:00 pagi waktu malaysia. Agar bonus Arena anda dapatkan.

Jika anda belum register anda boleh register percuma disini 

Strategy Arena

Pastikan anda mulai cara saya ini selepas anda work.
Pada pukul 8.00 malam waktu malaysia ( terpulang pada anda pukul berapa ingin memulakan strategy ini seeloknya pada pukul 8.00 malam hingga 1.00 pagi waktu malaysia)

Hari Pertama 
1, Beli 1 wine
2, Beli Milk Hq
3, Beli 2 Lq Knife
4, Beli Lq 2 Lq Glasses

Cara beli weapon lq lihat gambar di bawah.

Selepas tu anda pergi page Fight > Arena > Fighter seperti gambar dibawah.

Selepas tu dekat Fighter Name anda search trainer seperti gambar dibawah.

Anda attack trainer sebanyak 8 kali, satu kali attack anda akan dapat 1 point, anda attack 8 kali jadi anda akan dapat 8 point, minima point untuk memperolehi arena bonus adalah 5 point.
ok selesai, esok pagi anda akan dapat bonus euro.

Hari Kedua 

Pada hari kedua selepas anda work anda beli wine 1, susu hq 1, selepas itu anda buat referral fight macam biasa 10x , selepas habis referral fight anda beli lq knife 1 dan lq glasess 1 belen energy tadi cukup 5 energy pada server reset time pada pukul 5.00 pagi.

Cara diatas adalah jika anda melakukan referral fight pada 8.00 malam hingga 1 pagi, jika anda melakukan refferral fight pada belah pagi atau petang anda perlu beli cuisine hq pada pukul 9.30 malam.

Kenapa? mesti anda tertanya-tanya, ingat tak apa yang saya tulis diatas untuk dapat bonus euro, syarat-syarat yang perlu dipenuhi. 5 energy 1 attack weapon 1 defende weapon. cuisine hq akan tambah energy 5 pada pukul 21.15 server time, waktu malaysia adalah 2.15 pagi, jadi anda perlu beli 1 hq cuisine melepasi jam server 15.15, waktu malaysia adalah pukul 8.15 malam, jadi anda boleh beli hq cuisine pada pukul 8.30 malam hingga 2 pagi waktu malaysia, atau anda boleh lihat jam server di marketglory. 

Cara beli hq cuisine seperti gambar dibawah.

Hari ketiga 

Pada hari ketiga dan seterusnya

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Apa Itu Marketglory Dan Cara Main

Panduan Main Simple Games Dan Dapatkan Duit Sebenar Dalam Matawang Euro

( Tanpa Modal)

Apa itu marketglory?

MarketGlory adalah website "game strategy online" yang menggunakan web,jadi untuk bermain game ini tidak perlu download client game, cukup gunakan browser.
anda boleh main guna komputer, ipad, tab dan juga phone anda tiada masalah.

anda boleh menggunakan strategy anda sendiri, anda kerja setiap hari, tiga hari bekerja anda akan dapat bonus dari gov, dan anda juga boleh buka company anda sendiri,.

Di dalam game strategy marketglory ini setiap pemain dibezakan atau di golongkan berdasarkan negara. jadi site ini otomatik akan detect IP kita log in sewaktu mendaftar.uniknya game ini ramai penggemarnya dan ramai pemainnya walaupun game ini hanya menggunakan web.kenapa ??? kerana game strategy ini...duit yang dihasilkan di dalam game boleh di convert/ditukar ke duit sebenar.

Setelah mendaftar anda boleh melakukan beberapa pekerjaan yang tersedia, bahkan anda boleh mengikut perang antara negara didalam game.

Selain perang antara negara anda juga boleh membuka company yang dapat menghasilkan duit.

Jika anda bingung memainkan game ini,anda boleh bergabung dengan pemain lain atau chatting, atau join di forum atau di group.. group tertutup di facebook juga tersedia untuk anda, boleh pm saya di facebook, disana boleh tanya atau sharing tentang bagaimana bermain game ini dan cara cepat menghasilkan duit. serta tips & trik

saya belum lagi withdraw sebab saya memilih untuk menggunakan duit yang saya jana untuk membuka company dan war diantara negara...tetapi ramai pemain-pemain yang sudah withdraw...

Saya akan ajar step by step bagaimana untuk bermain game ini
full support dari saya...

P/S Jika anda register dan anda main setiap hari, bonus besar menanti dari saya,
panduan lengkap dibawah.

Jika anda belum register anda boleh register percuma disini

Selepas register cek email dan klik email pengesahan untuk aktifkan account.

Sebelum anda mula anda boleh download apps marketglory, bila kita menggunakan apps ini kita akan dapat lebih 25% income dari gov.. bila referral fight dan bila time work bonus...

Anda login marketglory dengan menggunakan apps tersebut.. seperti gambar dibawah.

Jika sudah aktif ia akan bertukar warna kepada oren seperti gambar dibawah... dan anda layak dapat bonus 25% tersebut.

Hari pertama main
- Work -- Klik WorkPlaces > Work Now - work 24jam sekali-- 3 Hari Work Anda Akan Dapat Work Bonus Dari Gov... 

Pastu -- Fight 1O kali, 1 kali fight 10 minit- Klik fight > referral fight > attack > attack now .

Buat referral fight 10 kali, 1 kali fight kena tunggu 10 minit. selepas 10 minit ulang cara diatas.

Selesai untuk hari pertama.....

Pada hari kedua beli energy.

Dan ini cara untuk beli news, news naik energy 0.3 maksima boleh beli 10 news sehari sahaja.
Klik home dan lihat page paling bawah, dan klik untuk membeli news, seperti gambar dibawah.

Hari Kedua 
1- Work 
2- Beli News ( beli 10) *NOTE Bila Banyak Energy Bertambah Income Kita Bila Fight
3- Fight 10 Kali
4- Pastikan anda Work dulu baru beli energy, sebab bila kita work energy akan hilang 50%, Energy hanya untuk referral fight, tinggi energy tinggilah income referral fight anda.

5- Jika work time anda jauh lagi dalam 2 jam keatas anda boleh beli energy dan buat referral fight.

Hari ke 3
1- Work
2- Beli News ( Beli 10) *NOTE Bila Banyak Energy Bertambah Income Kita Bila Fight
3- Beli Dairy Milk HQ (myr2.++)- * HQ-high quality LQ-low quality 
4- Fight 10 Kali
Jika di local market tiada stok milk hq anda boleh  beli lq milk..
di global market ada milk hq tetapi anda perlukan gold oleh itu jika sudah kumpul dalam 30 myr anda boleh beli 1 gold....

Dan ini cara untuk membeli susu hq ( High Quality ) susu hq akan naik energy 5.00 susu hq hanya boleh beli 24 jam sekali sahaja, sila rujuk gambar dibawah cara untuk membeli.

Hari ke 4 dan seterusnya (bila ada MYR 10.00+)
2-Beli Wine (MYR10.XX) Wine, Energy Akan Bertambah 25
lakukan Fight ( 10 Kali )

Dan ini cara untuk beli wine di local market, wine akan naik energy 25.00 wine hanya boleh dibeli sekali dalam sehari, anda boleh beli sekali lagi selepas server reset time, server reset waktu malaysia dalam pukul 6.00 pagi, (Contoh) jika anda beli wine pukul lapan malam, esok pagi selepas pukul 6.00 pagi anda boleh beli lagi satu, rujuk gambar dibawah cara untuk membeli.

Teruskan langkah berikut :

1- Work
2- Beli Wine
3- Beli News
4- Beli Dairy Milk HQ 
5- Fight 10 Kali

Bila dah mantap saya akan ajar lain-lain pulak :)

1. Arena
2. Buka Company
3. Bid referral
4. Dan Yang Paling Best Join War....

Full support lifetime dari saya sehingga anda tidak perlukan saya lagi...:)

Register disini

Selepas register cek email dan klik email pengesahan untuk aktifkan account.

Facebook group malaysia

Facebook group indonesia

Buat duit online
Buat duit tanpa modal

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Marketglory Step By Step How To Play

First Day

The first time you do there first fight 10 times to get a money fight attack, it lasts ten minutes

When the fight get money do not forget to buy the newspaper / articel because of the greater energy you have the most money you get
1 newspaper will receive 0.3 point energy energy
Only can buy 10 newspaper a day.

After a fight 10 times time work
work based on productivity so the greater your productivity the greater amount of money when you get a job.
work only once per day every 24 Hour

The second day
on the second day you had money few left over from yesterday's money to buy newspapers and milk used to let me get a lot more money when the fight then fight 10 times continue to work.
You can buy Milk in Local Market Or Global Market.
The Quality Milk :
• Low Quality - 1 point,
• Normal Quality - 3 points
• High Quality - 5 points
The Energy is distributed when the good is bought. You can consume the Milk once in 24 hours.

The third day
on the third day you must have had a bit more  money to buy food can be purchased in the local market or global market

The Food is consumed every 6 hours, at 03.15, 09.15, 15.15, 21.15 server time. When the Food is consumed, you receive the points of energy corresponding to each quality:
• Low Quality - 1 point,
• Normal Quality - 3 points
• High Quality - 5 points
If you have Food of different qualities, the first to be consumed will be the one of superior quality. You also have a timer, which shows the time left until the next meal is taken. The energy decreases by:
• 5% each hour
• 10% when you fight
• 10% when you work

The next day
do point2x above continuously.
Remember that the more energy, the bonuses and salaries will also increase. Example, if the energy used 5 fight, for 10 times, it will get less than 5 USD before tax, but it was not bad, with 5 or 6 days of playing, it is possible to collect 2 gold or 20 USD, even more

Milk Food HQ + HQ + Wine + 10 newspaper, then Ref Fight 10 times last work.
the greater the energy before the Ref Fight the greater the money raised.

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Advanced Arena Guide for Marketglory!

For those new players who wants to enter the ARENA, its better to stay at Rank NOVICE 1 first for a few days to learn the mechanism of the Arena.

~~~~~~~~ NOVICE 1 Needs 5 Arena Points, NOVICE 2 needs 18 Arena points~~~~~~~~~

This tutorial is used for players who wants to promote themselves to NOVICE 2. Before  we start, there are a few conditions we need to know when we're at NOVICE 2.

1. NOVICE 1 can be attacked ONCE PER DAY, NOVICE 2 can be attacked TWICE PER DAY!.... Therefore, the higher your rank, the more times you can get ATTACKED PER DAY.

2. At NOVICE 1 RANK, your Arena Points deduct by 1 each time you get attacked, therefore you can only decrease by 1 point per day. However, NOVICE 2's ARENA POINTS DECREASE BY 2 PER ATTACK! And so, the higher your ranking, the more times you can get attacked and the more points deducted from your arena points.

A. When you're at Novice 1 >>>>> Attack other players at the Arena UNTIL YOUR POINT REACHES NOVICE 2..

Then, attack trainer now until you're left with 1 point left to your next rank. Eg, if you want to earn Novice 2 Bonus, you'll stay at 17 points. Same for the on going ranks. When its 23.54.25, you attack someone else!!!!

Why, you ask?

Because at 23.55(Server Time) nobody can attack anyone anymore. The server will calculate the bonus by that time. Therefore, you will reach the rank you want and not get attack by other players.

 AND WHEN THE TIME REACHES 0.01(SERVER TIME) ITS TIME FOR YOU TO ATTACK!!! This is THE MOST CRUCIAL TIME TO ATTACK OTHERS BECAUSE MANY WEAK NOVICES ARE UP TO ATTACK. EVEN NOVICE 4 with 0.01 DEFENSE. THEREFORE EACH TIME WE ATTACK THEM WE WILL EARN 4 ARENA POINTS. WOW... Thats alot... And with that 4 arena points, lets say we are only at Novice 1, we will lose 1 arena points. Thus, earning 3 arena points. REPEAT IT EVERYDAY!

When your weapons are finish, Do some Referral Fight then ----------> WORK.

This is how you maximise your daily income.

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Arena guide in English!

Arena fighting massively depends upon your countries size and economic success, it's often at large much of weighing up the cost versus the price of all the required energy and euipment, So generally speaking as the active player base and success of your countires' economy support a certain number of arena fighters of various rankings, profitably, especially if very cheap at-home equipment and energy sources compared to interanational prices.

MarketGlory Fight – Arena

In the Arena you can fight with the citizens of MarketGlory who have overcame the civilian rank. In order to fight, you need at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy. The fights take place instantly and, depending on your evolution in the Arena, you will receive points and military ranks. Each day you receive a bonus in euro, depending on your military rank.

In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (12.00 +2GMT) you need to have at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy.
The weapons are consumed automatically, for each battle you take part in, no matter if it is a fight in the Arena or a fight for referrals, and no matter if you attack or you are attacked. The weapons last as following: q1 – 5 fights, q2 – 15 fights and q3 – 25 fights.

MarketGlory Arena – Fighters

marketglory In this section, you have a list of all the Fighters in the Arena, and you can see their Ranks, their Energy levels, and the number of attacks they received. You can also preview a Fight with each of them, if you click on the Preview button. You can also search a fighter by country, by Rank or by username, if you use the Advanced Search option.

MarketGlory Arena – Bonuses

In this section, you have a list of all the Ranks in the Arena. If you hold the mouse on each of these Ranks, you will see the necessary points to obtain that Rank, how many times a user can be attacked a day, depending on his Rank, how many points you receive if you defeat a user having that Rank and how many points you lose if you are defeated by a user having that rank. In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (00.00 server time, +2GMT), you need to have at least one Weapon of Attack, one of Defense and 5 points of energy.

MarketGlory Arena – Top

In this section, you have a Top of the Arena Fighters, sorted by the Arena Bonus they have received as a result of their activity in the Arena.

MarketGlory Arena – Transactions

In this section, you have a list of all the Transactions that take place in the Arena Fund.

MarketGlory Arena – Assets

In this section, you can see the contribution of each country to the Arena Fund.

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Marketglory War Guide

Fight / War

You can Fight and Defend Your country or attack another country and ripp other country warfund this lot make money.

You can select a country to attack. If the country is not at War, you can open a War against that country. The War can be opened only by the Leader or the Veterans of an Organization, and it costs 5 Gold.
You can also take part to an on-going War. In order to take part as an Attacker, you must be a member of the Organization that attacks and you must travel to that country, but in Defense you can also participate as a Freedom Fighter.
In order to participate in the War, you need at least one Weapon of Attack, one Weapon of Defense and 20 points of Energy.

The title of Emperor will be given to the leader of the attacking organization, when the attack wins the war. The Emperor will receive a 25% influence bonus, regardless if he participated or not in the war. This bonus will be given to him at the end of each war, as long as he has influence over that territory, meaning that the territory is not conquered by another country, through attack. You can uncrown the Emperor of a country if you conquer it through attack, in order to benefit from the 25% influence bonus. Therefore, even if the country is implicated in consecutive wars, won by the defense, the Emperor will receive the 25% bonus at the end of each war. All the territories will have a base defense of 100.000 points, no matter whose influence they are under. You can defend a territory without being a citizen of the country which has influence over that territory, and you can earn the Warfund of that country. If the war is won by the defense, 75% of the Warfund will be distributed to the fighters from defense, depending on the damage they made in the war.

You can choose daily from the numerous wars in MarketGlory. You can build a successful military career, fighting day by day. The more wars you take part in, the more medals you can obtain, and you can obtain a higher military rank, which will allow you to create a greater damage in the future wars. The ranks in the Arena and the weapons you own will also determine the damage you create in a war.

All the citizens in MarketGlory who are not members of an Organization that attacks, can participate in defense, as Freedom Fighters, if they travel to that country. You can defend a territory without being a citizen of the country you defend, and even if your country does not have influence over that territory. If you win a war as a Freedom Fighter in defense, the country will remain under the influence of its native citizens or under the influence of the country which defeated it in a previous war. The Warfund will be distributed just once, at the end of the war. After the war ends, the country will benefit from protection for 7 days. During this period, the Warfund will accumulate, and when the country is involved in another war, the fund will be distributed again to the winners.

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Knowing more about Partners in Marketglory


In this section you can buy MarketGlory game shares.
When the balance reaches 10,000 euros you will receive 1 cent for each share you hold. You can sell and buy shares from other players. The gold balance is exchanged in Euro.
Euros are added to the game fund balance when:
a company is created
a workplace is created
a withdrawal from the game is made (20% from the withdrawal)
a fight is immediately ended
shares are bought
These appear as negative transactions in fund:
10% from the amount invested for the country which holds the citizenship of the citizen who invests in his account
10% from the amount invested for one who owns the citizen who has invested in his account
Those negative transactions are covered by the 20% commission applied on the withdrawals from MarketGlory account.

Partners – Transactions List

Whenever the citizens open companies or upgrades them, buy licences, create jobs, block referrals, have a quickfight or a quick travel all payments are saved in shares fund. The Partners Fund Gold balance will be regularly exchanged in euro. When this fund riches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to shareholders depending the amount of their own shares. Here you can see all the incomes to the Partners' fund.
Partners – Shares Market
Here are all the shares for sale. Their price is in Euro.
Partners – Shareholders
Here is a list of all the Shareholders, sorted by the number of shares they own.
Partners – My shares

Here is a list of your shares and you can put them for sale, on the Shares market.

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Work, Experience, Productivity And Knowledge In Marketglory


Why is it important to have work experience in Market Glory?

Experience is an important factor in calculating productivity.

The experience level increases each time you work by 0.7 points. If you work day by day, it will grow up.

You can buy experience in amount of:
0.5 euro for each experience point when you have between 1 and 100 experience points,
0.45 euro for each experience point when you have between 100 and 500 experience points,
0.4 euro for each experience point when you have between 500 and 1000 experience points,

The money from purchasing experience points are transferred to the Government Funds of the country you are citizen of.

The experience points fall each day by 0.2%.

The level of experience can be seen in the Work menu.

If you have active referrals, your work experience will increase even more.

- for 1 active referral - by 1 point per day;
- for 2 active referrals - by 1.5 points per day;
- for 3 active referrals - by 2 points per day;
- for 4 active referrals - by 2.5 points per day;
- for 5 or more active referrals - by 3 points per day.


Why is productivity important in Market Glory?

Productivity is the citizen's ability to produce goods for the companies they work for.

Productivity is calculated using the formula: Energy + Experience + Knowledge / 3.
Energy can increase up to 100.
Experience can increase up to 1000 and above.
Knowledge can grow up to 1000.

The maximum productivity is 1000 and depending on it, you will receive your salary or the working bonus. In the Work section you will find the level of productivity per hour.


Why is it important to have knowledge in Market Glory?

Knowledge is an important factor in calculating productivity.

When buying books, depending on their quality you will get knowledge as follows:
Low quality Book = +1 Knowledge,
Normal quality Book = +3 Knowledge,
High quality Book = +5 Knowledge.

The Knowledge decreases each day by:
0.2 points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,
0.4 points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,
0.6 points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.

The books can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the books, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

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Importance of Energy In Marketglory!

Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?

Depending on the energy level you receive fight bonuses;
Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
Depending on the energy level you get a percentage of your referrals earnings;
Attack and defense are influenced by the energy level.

Energy increases when goods are consumed. For example, a lower quality food will bring an increase of 1 in your energy level. On the other hand, a high-quality food will give you 5 points of energy; the quality of the consumed goods is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when you eat or you have: coffee, clothes, articles, houses, wine, milk or cheese.

How much energy do you get?

1 for lower quality
3 for normal quality
5 for high quality

The food is consumed four times a day, at: 3.15, 9.15, 15.15 and 21.15 server time (+2 GMT). The food can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the food, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/Inventory.

1 per day for low quality
3 per day for normal quality
5 per day for high-quality.

Note that clothes last for 10 days. The clothes can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the clothes, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

1 for lower quality coffee
3 for normal quality coffee
5 for high quality coffee

The coffee can be consumed whenever you wish. The coffee can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the coffee, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

1 for lower quality Milk
3 for normal quality Milk
5 for high quality Milk

The Milk can be consumed once a day and it offers the energy points when you buy it. The Milk can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold).

7 house
20 Villa
35 Palace

The houses last for 30 days. The houses can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the houses, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

Articles: You get 0.3 points of energy for each article you buy, up to 10 articles a day. The articles can be bought from the Home page.

Wine: It gives the points of energy shown when you buy it. The wine can be consumed once a day and it gets stronger on stock, with 0.1 points of energy every 12 hours. The wine can be bought only from the local market (with local currency). After you have bought the wine, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.

Cheese: The Cheese is consumed whenever you decide. When the Cheese is consumed, you receive 50 points of energy. You can have up to 10 Cheese pieces each day.

For clothes and houses, the energy is distributed each hour, for the whole day. For instance, for q1 clothes, you will receive 1/24 points of energy each hour, for q2 clothes – 3/24 points of energy, and for q3 clothes – 5/24 points of energy each hour. The same, for a house you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a palace – 35/24 points of energy.

How does energy decrease?

Energy decreases by 5% per hour, by 10% when you fight and 50% when you work.

A high energy level allows you to earn more, and to receive higher taxes from your referrals activity.

WARNING! It is very important to correlate the costs with the income. It is not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.

Energy can reach up to 100.

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Ways To Make Money In Marketglory

Making money in MarketGlory


Yeah. This one is gonna be hard :)
And take a LOT of time. I don't really suggest this path, unless you really just wanna play for months without a profit


This strategy will take you on ONE of the next paths. Why one? Because you won't afford more

Arena - Right now the Arena is dominated, so unless you strike a deal with the top dog, you won't be able to make money in there. Strategy is: buy weapons, keep high energy, get the bonus. But weps and energy will cost you pretty much in the beginning, till you reach a good arena bonus and maintain yourself there.

Wars - Perfect. You get the small medals really easily, and you can sell them for euros. Also, you get part of the warfund, and that is where the real money stands.

Companies - People need products....why not making some for them? But to make a good company, you might need more than just one, because there are raw materials and products. And you will need upgrades to make them cheaper than the normal one. Read more in the guide.

Fights - small amount of money, not worth it without high energy

Refferals - every person you bring to the game will pay you a tribute, 10% of what he makes or invests. Right now, this is one of the good ways to make money, since there have been people who got up to 150-170 Euros in a month by this strategy


You can invest and buy Experience. Now your workdays are woth around 2-3 euros. It's a steady income, but combined with your companies, you can make ina  day more than others in 30 days.

And also, now you can go on all the paths above

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A Guide To Companies In MarketGlory

MarketGlory Company Guide 

As a new player you are granted one free license for a newspaper and a milk farm, both can turn a small profit (the newspaper over much longer timescale) and also offer an opportunity to learn how companies / businesses work cheaply before potentially opening ones the cost euros & lots of gold to get started (I wouldn't recommend till really experienced with running companies and researched the market looking at very well)

With both the free companies however I'd recommend waiting until you have a little spare cash to seed them with, for intial wages and the in the case of the newspaper, paper stock, say a couple of chunks of gold, this makes things much easier,

Some would recommend placing your milk farm in a foreign country if wages are high in your own country, though remember to check how much tax they charge on sales of milk on the international market.

The thing to remember with newspapers is that each article is like a product so it's slow going at first though each one released is like putting another product on the shelf for a long time, so even if only like 10 or so sales on the day of release then could be 50 or so in a few months, many more if fill the articles with actually readable interesting stuff (so get lots of votes).

Remember, a citizen will at times want 10 articles a day, so if there's less than 10 articles on sale in your country, it has room for another newspaper definetly.

MarketGlory My companies - Inventory

In your inventory menu you can view the raw material stock, the finished products stocks and the costs of their production or acquisition. Also, in this section you have the option to put goods on sale to be displayed in the country market where the company is established. You can also decide on selling goods on the global market. In the “Production and Sales” section you can see who worked for your company and how many goods you have sold. Also, if you have a real estate in your inventory, you can choose whether to occupy it or rent it to other users.

MarketGlory My companies - Workplaces

In this section you can create new jobs. Creating a new workplace costs with 0.25 euro more than the previous. Each job can be administrated individually, with the possibility to establish the salary offered and to suspend or activate a job.

MarketGlory My companies - Work records

In this section you can view a list of citizens who have worked for your company, the time when they have worked, the productivity they had and also the salary that the company has paid to the citizen.

MarketGlory My companies - Financial

Each company has its own budget. In this section you can invest and withdraw money from the company. In the company you can invest and withdraw gold.
After you have invested gold you can change the company money in the local currency of the country where the company was founded.
When you want to withdraw money from the company, buy gold within the company and withdraw gold. Note that for any withdrawal you will pay a tax of 5%.
Finance Transactions
In this section you have a list of all the transactions made by the company.

MarketGlory My companies - Settings

From the “Settings” menu, you can change the description of the company and the logo.
My companies - upgrade

MarketGlory My companies - Licenses

In this section you can view what licenses you can purchase for your company. Also, each license is explained in detail, how many productivity points are required and how much raw materials you need for the products. When you have a valid license or you purchase a license, the date when this license expires will be displayed. Each license is valid for 90 days. From the company you can extend the license or buy a new one. Even if a license expires you can still sell products in stock, but you will not be able to produce goods anymore. Each type of company allows specific license purchase.
Licenses for consumer goods are divided into three categories, depending on quality.
In the market licenses section, you can read all the details for the licenses, such as productivity needed to produce the goods, raw materials necessary for the goods and the goods’ quality. When you purchase a license money will go to the country’s government where the business is created.

MarketGlory My companies - upgrade

Companies can be upgraded to produce goods at lower costs and thus your company can be more efficient on the market. There are 5 levels of upgrade:
Upgrade 1 = 10% productivity = 10 euro
Upgrade 2 = 20% productivity = 30 euro
Upgrade 3 = 30% productivity = 70 euro
Upgrade 4 = 40% productivity = 150 euro
Upgrade 5 = 50% productivity = 310 euro

You can rent an upgrade for your company, on a determined period of time from the “30 days upgrade” sub-menu. When you rent an upgrade, you will not be able to rent or buy another one, for as long as the renting is valid. The upgrade renting takes into account the level of upgrade which has been bought. The prices for renting are the following:
Upgrade 1 = +10% productivity = 0.5 euro
Upgrade 2 = +20% productivity = 1.50 euro
Upgrade 3 = +30% productivity = 3.50 Euro
Upgrade 4 = +40% productivity = 7.50 Euro
Upgrade 5 = +50% productivity = 15.50 Euro

MarketGlory Make new company

Setting up a company costs 10 euros. You will get a workplace and a license for 90 days. Opening a newspaper is free. There are 27 types of companies. For each company from this menu, there is a description (the raw materials needed and the goods that can be produced).

MarketGlory Company Auction

In this menu, you can find the companies put for auction. The initial term of an auction can be between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes. When you bid, you are withdrawn the bidded sum from the account. If someone outbids you, the sum is given back into your account. The prices for companies are in Gold. The free companies cannot be put for sale.

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Why You Must Join Marketglory?

If you've read my previous post about Marketglory. Then you would probably wonder..... "Why Marketglory?" Well to tell you the truth, some people have earn over 60K EUROS over the years while playing this game. And all it took was time. Moreover, your income would probably increase day by day once you understand the game mechanism. Though you can earn money from PTC(Paid-To-Click) websites. HOWEVER, all PTC websites has fixed amount of cash they're willing to pay per ad such as 0.001 dollar per ad which requires you to wait 3 secs for it to load. These ads are limited per day. Imagine if they were to give unlimited ads. You'll probably just click them all in a day and earn few hundred bucks. But THAT IS NOT THE CASE.

           These PTC websites too give some mini-jobs such as Offers or Tasks. Once again, I emphasise on the LOCATION! If you're living in USA or Europe, probably you could earn quite a sum of money. The rankings for the top "task-doers" are mostly from Europe or USA. For Asia, only certain parts of Asia has mini-jobs offered. So if you're from Malaysia and registered in a PTC website, you are going to earn approximately only 1-2 cents per day. Furthermore, the minimal cashout is usually depending on the website. I would go further into that next week.

           So, what are you waiting for? Come join Marketglory. I'm not affiliated with Marketglory. I am on the neutral side as I only want to give information about what's best.

Come join Marketglory now...

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Play Simple Strategy Games And Earn Real Money In Euro

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MarketGlory Description

Market Glory is a browser game (meaning that there is nothing you need to download) that will allow you to not only have fun while playing the game but also give you the opportunity to earn money at the same time. If you like strategy games - the kind where you build up your world then this may be something that interests you. Start a new life in your virtual world and see what kind of money you can make.

MarketGlory Detailed Overview

Market Glory is absolutely free to use and once you are a member you will be able to build a new life as whatever character you desire. The premise is to build a strong new world and become one of the movers and shakers that makes it happen. You have the choice of what you character will be - you could possibly be a minister, a broker, or a journalist. Or, if you desire, you can be a manager, and emperor, or even a god. To develop quicker you are going to want to 'work' everyday - everytime you check in you receive participation points which will help you grow your character.

To get started all you have to do is sign up for your free account. To achieve any set level (even up to the god level) you just need to fight for it in the arena. The more you play the more you will grow and have the potential to earn. You can increase your income with referrals, by being a broker and buying and selling 80 different currencies, and by becoming a shareholder. If you like strategy games then you will really enjoy this and with the opportunity to earn a little additional money then this will definitely appeal to you. Get started on your new career path, build up your power, bring in your referrals, dabble in the currency market - and turn the money you earn in the game into real cash. I am not finding anything regarding the exchange rates but you really have nothing to lose.

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